Lezing: Modern Japanese Constitutions

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Maandag 14 september a.s. van 10-11 uur 13-14 uur zal op een wetenschappelijke vergadering van de leerstoelgroep Staats- en bestuursrecht UvA visiting professor Norikazu Kawagishi een inleiding verzorgen met de titel: A Brief History of Modern Japanese Constitutions: Struggles for a Liberal Democracy.

Een korte inhoudsindicatie: Japan has had two written constitutions so far. One was the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, or the Meiji Constitution, which was promulgated on February 11, 1889, and put into effect on November 29, 1890. The other is the Constitution of Japan, the current Constitution, which was promulgated on November 3, 1946, and became effective on May 3, 1947. Through considering their similarities and differences, I will try to understand the history as a process of liberal democratization of the society, which has remained an unfinished task in contemporary Japan.

De vergadering zal plaatsvinden in zaal C1.23, Oudemanhuispoort, Amsterdam.