The Staatsrechtkring, founded in 1990, is the Dutch association of constitutional law. The association brings together more than 300 scholars and practitioners and aims to further the academic study of constitutional law and promote public debate about constitutional issues in the Netherlands.
Membership includes a subscription to TvCR, the Dutch peer-reviewed journal for constitutional law. The journal is published quarterly by Wolf Legal Publishers in partnership with the Staatsrechtkring. TvCR provides academic articles, discussions of topical issues and new legislation, reports on foreign law, as well as book reviews. The editors accept contributions written in Dutch or English.
The association also sponsors a triennial award for the best Ph.D. dissertation for the best in the field of constitutional law defended at a Dutch university, as well as an annual master’s thesis award. The awards are presented during the annual Staatsrechtconferentie, the national conference on constitutional law, taking place in December and organized alternately by one of the associated university departments.
The Staatsrechtkring is the Dutch section of the International Association of Constitutional Law.
The board of the Staatsrechtkring currently consists of the following members:
Prof. Roel de Lange (Erasmus University Rotterdam, chair), Dr. Lisanne Groen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, secretary and treasurer), Dr. Johan Lievens (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – external communication), Prof. Leonard Besselink (University of Amsterdam), Tim Borman (Ministry of Justice and Security), Prof. Paul Bovend’Eert (Radboud University Nijmegen), Prof. Aalt Willem Heringa (Maastricht University), Prof. Anne Meuwese (Tilburg University), Prof. Solke Munneke (University of Groningen), Prof. Jon Schilder (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Hanneke Schipper-Spanninga (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations), Prof. Jerfi Uzman (Utrecht University), Prof. Wim Voermans (Leiden University), Prof. Carla Zoethout (Open University).
Please contact the secretary for more information about the Staatsrechtkring.